Monday, Wednesday, Friday
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a training technique which has bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. You’ll be wanting to give all you’ve got and put in 100% effort. This will be a full body workout so grab a towel, water and HIIT it!
This strength-focused class is structured to define, strengthen, and firm your favourite muscle groups. We'll use a variety of weights and equipment to get the job done so no two classes will be the same. Exercises and intensity levels will vary; the focus on fun and results will not!

Designed to challenge your body as a whole, Power Up will increase your strength, speed, and power, while burning an abundance of calories. Our Power Up strength workout, this circuit-style class expands on interval training by integrating specific strength conditioning functional exercises. You’ll use the TRX, kettlebells, battle ropes and a variety of other functional equipment along the way.